Definition: "An ergogenic aid is any substance or phenomenon that enhances performance "

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Under-dosed Genotropin and Omnitrope in web shops

Buying growth hormone on the web is and remains a risky business. This is evident from the article Hungarian pharmacologists at the University of Pecs published in 2017 in the International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy. The Hungarians bought 3 growth hormone preparations online - and discovered that all three were under-dosed.

The Hungarians studied the sale of growth hormone on the internet, by subjecting the first 20 hits of search engine Google to a closer investigation. They found that 94 percent of the webshops that offered growth hormone did not ask for a prescription. Seventy percent of the websites did not provide medical information about growth hormone, and no website was associated with official organizations.

The researchers then ordered 3 growth hormone preparations from 3 different websites and analyzed the composition.

All three preparations were significantly under-dosed. They contain a third or half of what they should contain.

Under-dosed Genotropin and Omnitrope in web shops

"The accessibility and popularity of Internet pharmacies are constantly increasing, while the mail order trade of pharmaceuticals is becoming part of everyday life in many developed countries", write the Hungarians.

"Despite numerous preventive measures [campaigns informing patients, specific regulations in Europe and USA], law enforcement, introduction of the top generic domain name .pharmacy and online pharmacy verification logos, the illegal sale of medication on the Internet seems to flourish."

"Managing illegal trade of pharmaceuticals and limiting access to potentially counterfeit drugs must be a priority for governments and drug supply systems."

Int J Clin Pharm (2017) 39:78-87.

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Test Results

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