Definition: "An ergogenic aid is any substance or phenomenon that enhances performance "

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Strength training for speed extends lifespan

Strength training for speed extends lifespan
If you lift weights because you want to live longer, focus primarily on getting your weights moving as fast as possible, and not primarily on developing more strength or muscle mass. For longevity purpoese, power training will probably more for you than other forms of strength training. This is suggested by an epidemiological study presented by Brazilian exercise scientist Claudio Gil Araujo at EuroPrevent 2019. EuroPrevent 2019 was a conference organized by the European Society of Cardiology on April 12, 2019 in the Portuguese capital Lisbon.

The Brazilians let 3878 non-athletes aged 41-85 perform an upright row, and determined the power the participants were able to develop. Power is, (too) simply said, the speed with which you can get a weight in motion. The researchers corrected the power for the body weight of their participants.

The researchers then divided the study participants into four equally large groups [quartiles] based on their power.

The researchers then followed the study participants for 6.5 years, and kept track of who died.

The greater the power of the study participants, the less likely they were to die. The study participants in the quartile with the lowest scores were 10-13 times more likely to die than those in the quartile with the highest scores. [Table]

Strength training for speed extends lifespan

"Rising from a chair in old age and kicking a ball depend more on muscle power than muscle strength, yet most weight bearing exercise on the latter," says Araujo is a press release. [, April 12, 2019.] "Our study shows for the first time that people with more muscle power tend to live longer."

"Power training is carried out by finding the best combination of speed and weight being lifted or moved. For strength training at the gym most people just think about the amount of weight being lifted and the number of repetitions without paying attention to the speed of execution. But for optimal power training results, you should go beyond typical strength training and add speed to your weight lifts."

Poster session 459. EuroPrevent 2019, april 12.

Over-seventies benefit more from power training than from strength training 05.07.2012

Nutrition & Endurance Training

Strength training + active lifestyle more than halves chance of diabetes Overcoming drug addiction? Strength training helps When combined with other exercise, strength training boosts survival chances of cancer survivors

Strength training + active lifestyle more than halves chance of diabetes
Half an hour of strength training per day, or three 50-minute sessions a week. That's the amount of strength training that reduces your chances of developing type 2 diabetes by a third. And if you do a bit of cycling, walking, swimming or running as well your chance of developing diabetes can go down by sixty percent.

Overcoming drug addiction? Strength training helps
Norwegian researchers wondered what might happen when drug users, who want to get rid of their addiction, do strength training in addition to their treatment. The results of the Norwegian's study are not disappointing.

When combined with other exercise, strength training boosts survival chances of cancer survivors
Strength training enhances the survival chances of people who have been treated for cancer in the past. But they need to walk, jog or do some other type of aerobic exercise regularly as well.