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With every handful of walnuts you eat every day, your risk of diabetes is halved

With every three walnuts you eat every day, your risk of diabetes may be halved. We conclude this from an American epidemiological study, which was published in 2018 in Diabetes | Metabolism Research and Reviews.

With every handful of walnuts you eat every day, your risk of diabetes is halved

Researchers at the University of California analyzed data from 3,4121 adult Americans who participated in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey between 1999 and 2104. The researchers recorded how many nuts - especially how many walnuts - the study participants ate, and checked whether they had developed type-2 diabetes.

The study was sponsored by the California Walnut Commission. []

After the researchers used statistics to brush away the effect of factors such as age, gender, BMI, alcohol consumption, exercise and smoking, they saw that the risk of type-2 diabetes decreased the more the study participants consumed.

The table below [click for a larger version] shows the effect of a daily intake of one and a half tablespoons of walnuts. That equates to twenty grams, or three average walnuts.

With every handful of walnuts you eat every day, your risk of diabetes is halved

With every handful of walnuts you eat every day, your risk of diabetes is halved

Diabetes Metab Res Rev. 2018 Oct;34(7):e3031.

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