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Sphaeranthus indicus and Garcinia mangostana slimming supplement: five kg weight loss in eight weeks

Ingredients manufacturer Interhealth Nutraceuticals launched a combination of Sphaeranthus indicus and Garcinia mangostana extract in 2011 under the name of Meratrim. A human study done at the University of California at Davis – paid for by Interhealth Nutraceuticals – suggests that you can lose more than five kg weight and twelve centimetres from your waist measurement in eight weeks by taking 800 mg Meratrim a day.
Ingredients manufacturer Interhealth Nutraceuticals [] launched a combination of Sphaeranthus indicus and Garcinia mangostana extract in 2011 under the name of Meratrim. A human study done at the University of California at Davis – paid for by Interhealth Nutraceuticals – suggests that you can lose more than five kg weight and twelve centimetres from your waist measurement in eight weeks by taking 800 mg Meratrim a day.

Serious studies, in which the commercial name of the extract being examined is almost nowhere to be found. Check. Positive discussions in trade journals with punchy quotes from both the leading author and the sponsor, which make crystal clear what commercial product we're talking about. [ 02-Jul-2013] Check. Results that are too good to be true. Check.

Yep, the results of the study that Judith Stern and her colleagues published in the Journal of Medicinal Food show all the hallmarks of a sponsored study. Including that nagging feeling you're left with after reading about a sponsored study. Could it be true? Do the results tally? Or have I just had the wool pulled over my eyes?

But bear with us, dear reader. You aren't familiar with the content of Stern's study. But because you can't wait to know the details, we'll give them to you in telegram style.

The human study was conducted in India, using about one hundred obese subjects. They had a BMI between 30 and 40, and were aged between 18 and 50. For a period of eight weeks the subjects consumed 2000 kcal daily, in the form of meals that the researchers prepared for them. The subjects also walked for 30 minutes five times a week.

Half of the subjects were given a placebo. The other half took a capsule containing 400 mg extract half an hour before breakfast and half an hour before their evening meal.

The ratio between Sphaeranthus indicus and Garcinia mangostana extract was 3:1. The product consumed contained 7 percent 7-hydroxy-frullanolide and 2 percent alpha-mangostin.

Garcinia mangostana Fruit Sphaeranthus indicus Flower

Garcinia mangostana

Sphaeranthus indicus

Alpha-Mangostin 7-Hydroxy-Frullanolide



Ingredients manufacturer Interhealth Nutraceuticals launched a combination of Sphaeranthus indicus and Garcinia mangostana extract in 2011 under the name of Meratrim. A human study done at the University of California at Davis – paid for by Interhealth Nutraceuticals – suggests that you can lose more than five kg weight and twelve centimetres from your waist measurement in eight weeks by taking 800 mg Meratrim a day.

The figure above shows that there was no statistically significant weight loss in the placebo group, but those those who took the Sphaeranthus indicus/Garcinia mangostana combination lost 5.2 kg.

The combo extract boosted the concentration of the hormone adiponectin.

Ingredients manufacturer Interhealth Nutraceuticals launched a combination of Sphaeranthus indicus and Garcinia mangostana extract in 2011 under the name of Meratrim. A human study done at the University of California at Davis – paid for by Interhealth Nutraceuticals – suggests that you can lose more than five kg weight and twelve centimetres from your waist measurement in eight weeks by taking 800 mg Meratrim a day.

Adiponectin makes muscle cells more sensitive to insulin. If muscle cells are able to absorb more nutrients from the blood, there's less left over for the fat cells, and the muscle cells may also burn more energy. Recent patent literature also suggests that the combination of Sphaeranthus indicus and Garcinia mangostana extract improves the insulin balance. [US 20110280951 A1]

No side effects were observed.

J Med Food. 2013 Jun;16(6):529-37.

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