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Fats in animal-based foods not bad for heart

Contrary to what has been stated in nutritional textbooks for half a century, the fats in animal products such as milk and eggs do not or hardly increase the risk of heart attacks. That is the purport of a large epidemiological study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association.

Fats in animal-based foods not bad for heart

The publication in question, in which more than fifty researchers participated, is based on data collected in nine European countries in the EPIC study. Just under four hundred thousand Europeans took part in it.

10,529 study participants developed a heart disease. The researchers compared their diet with that of 16,730 Europeans without heart disease.

For years mainstream nutritionists have argued that a high intake of saturated fat [SFA], which is found in dairy, eggs and meat, among other things, increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Monounsaturated fat [MUFA], present in olive oil, and polyunsaturated fat [PUFA], present in seed oils or fatty fish, would actually lower the risk.

However, the researchers did not find these associates. How much of which type of fat was in the study participants' diets had no influence, neither positively nor negatively.

Click on the figures below for a larger version.

Fats in animal-based foods not bad for heart

Fats in animal-based foods not bad for heart

The type of food did have an impact. Fat in fermented dairy products, such as yogurt and kefir, and in oily fish, slightly reduced the risk of heart disease. That is what the figure above tells.

J Am Heart Assoc. 2021;10:e019814.

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Cardiovascular Health

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